About Pi Epsilon Tau

To foster a closer bond between industry and petroleum engineering students at Texas A&M, and to facilitate personal and professional development of its members.
Petroleum Engineering’s honor society, Pi Epsilon Tau, was founded at the University of Oklahoma in 1947. Paul S. Johnston led a group of petroleum engineers who shared a sincere desire to create for the petroleum industry an organization that fosters loyalty, good fellowship, and mutual cooperation.

PiET Founding Class - 1947

Members are chosen through a holistic review on the basis of their scholastic accomplishments, leadership, and sociability from the undergraduate and graduate classes of the Petroleum Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. Students with a GPA of 3.5/4.0 or higher will receive automatic admission. Students who's GPA falls below the requirement can join as Pledges, where they will be tasked to demonstrate leadership merit as receive honorary membership
Pledges will be accepted at the start of each academic semester. During their pledge-ship, students will have limited membership and must demonstrate merit in the following categories to be recognized as honorary members:
- Leadership
- Professionalism
- Academia
- Philanthropy
For more information regarding our Pledge program, please scan the QR code below:

Other Chapters - Pi Epsilon Tau
Alpha - University of Oklahoma
Beta - University of Tulsa
Gamma - Texas Tech University
Delta - Louisiana State University
Epsilon - University of Southern California *
Zeta - Marietta College
Eta - University of California at Berkeley
Theta - Pennsylvania State University
Iota - Louisiana Tech University
Kappa - University of Texas at Austin
Lambda - West Virginia University
Mu - University of Missouri at Rolla
Nu - Mississippi State University
Xi - Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology
Omicron - Texas A&M University
Pi - New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology *
Rho - University of Southwestern Louisiana
Sigma - University of Wyoming
Tau - Colorado School of Mines
Upsilon - Texas A&I University
* Inactive at present